Ticket Information of this event
Member Only Lottery
- Sale Period:2025/02/19(Wed) 19:00 - 2025/02/26(Wed) 23:59
- Lottery Result: Email will be sent from 2025/03/02(Sun) 19:00
- Payment Date:2025/03/05(Wed) 23:59
- Payment Methods:Credit Card・Convinience Store
▶劇場入口にてお席予約料300円(桟敷席も含む)のお支払いをお願いいたします。- ※This sales has a limit to the number you apply.
- You can apply 1 times in 3月13日特別公演【ファンクラブイベント参加申し込み】.
- This ticket 3月13日特別公演【ファンクラブイベント参加申し込み】 is The劇団美山OFFICIAL FANCLUB会員限定 type of ticket. Only registered users can buy this ticket.
- If you don't have an account, please register your information and create the membership ID from Here.
Readable DateTime: Mar. 13, 2025(Thu)