Ticket Information of this event
《抽選販売》【大阪追加】[5セット券 17:20~]岩崎悠雅 2025 カレンダー手渡し会
- Sale Period:2024/10/25(Fri) 12:00 - 2024/10/28(Mon) 23:59
- Lottery Result: Email will be sent from 2024/10/31(Thu) 18:00
- Payment Date:2024/11/03(Sun) 23:59
- Payment Methods:Credit Card・Convinience Store
- ※This sales has a limit to the number you apply.
- You can apply 5 times in 《抽選販売》【大阪追加】[5セット券 17:20~]岩崎悠雅 2025 カレンダー手渡し会.
Readable DateTime: Dec. 07, 2024(Sat)