Feb. 02, 2020(Sun)
渡辺和貴イベント2020 〜豆まく日かバレンタインかわからなイベント〜

Ticket Information of this event
First Serve
- Sale Period:2020/01/24(Fri) 21:00 - 2020/01/26(Sun) 23:59
- Payment Date:2020/01/28(Tue) 23:59
- Payment Methods:Credit Card・Convinience Store
- ※This sales has a limit to the number you apply.
- You can apply 1 times in <二次先着受付>【1部】入場チケット.
Readable DateTime: Feb. 02, 2020(Sun)
First Serve
- Sale Period:2020/01/24(Fri) 21:00 - 2020/01/26(Sun) 23:59
- Payment Date:2020/01/28(Tue) 23:59
- Payment Methods:Credit Card・Convinience Store
- ※This sales has a limit to the number you apply.
- You can apply 1 times in <二次先着受付>【2部】入場チケット.
Readable DateTime: Feb. 02, 2020(Sun)