Aug. 18, 2018(Sat)

Ticket Information of this event
Member Only Lottery
- Sale Period:2018/05/30(Wed) 18:00 - 2018/06/11(Mon) 00:00
- Lottery Result: Email will be sent from 2018/06/11(Mon) 15:00
- Payment Date:2018/06/17(Sun) 23:59
- Payment Methods:Credit Card・Convinience Store
当日1ドリンク代 ¥600円 別途
- ※This sales has a limit to the number you apply.
- You can apply 1 times in 『ZO≒NA』会員限定.
- This ticket 『ZO≒NA』会員限定 is ZO-NA 会員限定 type of ticket. Only registered users can buy this ticket.
- If you don't have an account, please register your information and create the membership ID from Here.
Readable DateTime: Aug. 18, 2018(Sat)