Ticket Information of this event
《FC先行》【大阪】[5セット券 12:20~] 太田夢莉 2023-24カレンダー手渡し会
- Sale Period:2023/02/05(Sun) 18:00 - 2023/02/20(Mon) 00:00
- Lottery Result: Email will be sent from 2023/02/21(Tue) 18:00
- Payment Date:2023/02/24(Fri) 23:59
- Payment Methods:Credit Card・Convinience Store
Readable DateTime: Apr. 16, 2023(Sun)
First Serve
《一般発売》【大阪】[5セット券 12:20~] 太田夢莉 2023-24カレンダー手渡し会
- Sale Period:2023/03/10(Fri) 18:00 - 2023/04/03(Mon) 00:00
- Payment Date:2023/04/05(Wed) 23:59
- Payment Methods:Credit Card・Convinience Store
Readable DateTime: Apr. 16, 2023(Sun)